Women cell at University College of Arts aims at empowering and orienting women to recognize their true potential and to help them attain their own stand in a competing world. Its goal is the overall development in all spheres of their life. The Women Empowerment Cell of the institution empowers girls through awareness programmes, talks and extension activities. Expert lectures on ‘Women and Atrocities’ and ‘Women and Gynaecological Issues,’ workshops on ‘Entrepreneurship’ and ‘Trafficking,’ film reviews and monetary assistance to poor women are some of the activities of the Cell

- To enhance self-esteem and self-confidence among girl students and women staff
- To foster decision-making ability
- To increase awareness of women related social issues, health, employment and gender-related matters
- To realize the role of women in building up a healthy society
- Organizing special lectures by women achievers and interaction with students
- Workshops related to self-employment of girl students
- Encouragement in group activities by organizing events like food festival, vegetable cultivation etc